Project information

Preparation of HFAPoA (PMAY) in Uttar Pradesh for 89 cities in three clusters (Allahabad, Jhansi, Saharanpur)

Inception and Conducting Demand Survey:

  • Consultation with respective Government authorities map for identifying slum/squatters, Urban Poor, Beneficiaries, methods of surveys and data preparations.
  • Conducting Demand Survey and other available data like Census 2011, Socio- economic and Caste Based Census etc.
  • Initiate Demand Survey with representatives, Officials, NGOs, CBOs.

Verification and Validation:

  • After data entry of the survey and compilation of the information, it is presented before the community for ratification, to ensure that no households are left out in the survey process and the data collected is accurate.

Approval of Demand Survey by DUDA:

  • After incorporation of comments and suggestions from DUDA officials, the Demand Survey report will be submitted in compliance with specific requirements of DUDA officials .

Submission of Draft HFAPoA:

  • Compilation of all the analysis, recommendations, and strategies, proposals, costing, prioritization and phasing and submitting Draft Housing for All Plan of Action (HFAPoA) Report will be penultimate exercise of the project.

Approval of HFAPoA by SLMC/GOI:

  • After incorporation of comments and suggestions and revision of the Draft HFAPoA, the final Plan of Action will be submitted to the SLMC/GOI for approval under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.