Project information

- Quality Checking and Corrections for notified integrated Master Plan for Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA).
- Preparation of GIS base Maps for extended area of HMDA as part of Master Plan, Hyderabad.
- Preparation of Road Development Plan for GHMC, (JNTU Junction to Hi-tech City).
- Preparation of GIS based Land Information system (Video based) of Kismatpur Mandal for GHMC.
- Preparation of base map for GHMC lakes, Hyderabad.
- Preparation of village base index planes for Bharatpur District in Rajasthan state.
- Preparation of KML/KMZ maps for L&T Metro Rail Corridors, Hyderabad.
- Preparation of land base map for Hyderabad in R-APDRP Project.
- Habitation Cadastral Mapping in Rajasthan, India.
- Preparation of KML/KMZ maps for L&T Metro Rail Corridors, Hyderabad.
- Demarcation of HMDA Master Roads (Grid Roads) of Outer Ring Road
- Quality Checking and Corrections for notified integrated Master Plan for Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA).
- Preparation of GIS base Maps for extended area of HMDA as part of Master Plan, Hyderabad.
- Preparation of Road Development Plan for GHMC, (JNTU Junction to Hi-tech City).
- Preparation of GIS based Land Information system (Video based) of Kismatpur Mandal for GHMC.
- Preparation of base map for GHMC lakes, Hyderabad.
- Preparation of village base index planes for Bharatpur District in Rajasthan state.
- Preparation of KML/KMZ maps for L&T Metro Rail Corridors, Hyderabad.
- Preparation of land base map for Hyderabad in R-APDRP Project.
- Habitation Cadastral Mapping in Rajasthan, India.
- Preparation of KML/KMZ maps for L&T Metro Rail Corridors, Hyderabad.
- Demarcation of HMDA Master Roads (Grid Roads) of Outer Ring Road